The last time we were all together
Sequoia Hauck
The last time we were all together
We were told
Stay together, learn the flowers
I didn't know what that meant
Stay together, learn the flowers?
I heard someone recently say, “be late because you’re smelling the flowers.”
Was that what it meant?
I have heard, “Stay close to people who feel like sunlight”
Do flowers think like that?
What does sunlight feel like?
Fits of laughters
Warmth of smiles
Touch of the skin with the ones we love
The honor of touch
The consent of love
The lessons we learn with time.
The love we find with those we once loved and now love in new capacities
The new love we found
The right person at the right time.
How I wish you could meet them.
Right now my most vital source of energy is them all of them supplying me
When I came back
I found I saw things differently
I have walked alongside the river many times
But this time it was different
The trees shiver with life
The flow of the river
They tell me that they recognize the light within me and I recognize the light within them.
Sitting alone staring up at the stars with you,
How I miss your teachings
I heard someone recently say, “be late because you’re smelling the flowers.”
I think you would have liked that…
You would have smelled the flowers
You did smell the flowers
And that's how you knew.
“What are you thinking about?”
Stay together, learn the flowers
I don't know how long you would be with us
I will always remember how my heart felt during that final goodbye
I didn't know it was our final goodbye
How you have woven us together...forever
Looking up at the stars
The path were the ancestors go
When we first met, your first teachings
I will never forget.
How you saw me....
For me
I’ll make sure to smell the flowers for you
To learn the flowers you must first stop and smell them.